Thursday, June 3, 2010

1st year down!

Wow!!! We survived our first year of school! This has been a very busy, fun filled, at times exhausting, year! The kids have adjusted great to school life and have excelled way beyond we could have imagined! To name just a few of the things that kids have been up to this school year include: grandparents day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Pow Wow's, school birthday parties, trip to the fire station, the farm, and the pet store, end of the year parties, and winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd place at field day, and an awesome spring break trip to Atlanta and Arkansas- just to name a few! :) Here are a few things that they are doing now is: Makenzie and Wesley are writing their entire names, Makenzie can write her numbers to 20 and Wesley can write his numbers to 100! Wesley is reading and sounding out words too! They are LOVING school too. I am LOVING my job too! I love the wonderful people that I am blessed to work with every day. I love that God is taught freely and that my children get to be taught by wonderful christian teachers. I also enjoy being the "mommy" to 150 students. I get to love, hold, hug and band aid boo boo's daily. The last day of school was so sad knowing that I wouldn't see a lot of my babies for a couple of months! The innocence of these children are daily reminders of God's love for us. Thank you God for blessing my life so richly!

I was hesitant on sending my baby to K3 but it was the best decision we have made! We were also blessed with the best teachers. Next year Makenzie will have Mrs. Liz and Wesley will have Mrs. Lisa! We are very excited about Kindergarten and K4. This time next year our big buddy will be graduating from Kindergarten! Time is flying by so fast.

We are now, officially, on Summer vacation. Ahhh.... summer! :) A wonderful time to spend at the pool and beach. Unfortunately, it looks like our beach time is out this summer and probably for a long time to come. Please continue to pray for the disaster in the Gulf as it is effecting so many peoples lives.

We have a slam pack summer planned. 2 weeks of swimming lessons, VBS, Glen and I are going to relax and enjoy our 8th anniversary in Hawaii for a week, a trip to Chattanooga, concert, visit from family, and so much more! Not to leave out this next weekend- Glen will be playing in the FULL CONTACT Alumni football game against Mobile Christian's BiGGEST Rival, Faith Academy. The game is this Saturday. There are around 35 Alumnus that are playing and have been practicing for a couple of months now. This should be a very interesting game!

Since we are on summer break I will try to update this more. Until then- Happy Summer!

1 comment:

Rach said...

Aww, so good to hear an update! I'm glad you love your job so much, but I miss hearing from you as often, haha. But such is the life of the working mom, I guess. I love you guys so much and can't wait to see you all soon!