Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Years Resolution

I am not big into New Years resolutions because if you want to change something, I feel you should just do it then and not wait till the new year.  However, with saying that I have decided to challenge myself with something: Healthier lunches for my kiddos.

Packing my kids lunches every night gets quite monotonous. I had started to notice that every day had a "quick and convenient" meal assigned for that day, even if it wasn't the healthiest.  ( I don't like eating the same thing and I know they were getting tired of it too.)  It started bothering me that I wasn't putting more effort into my kids lunches and really paying attention to what I was sending them to eat.  Convenient is not always healthiest. :(   I am all about trying to feed my kids a balance meal, no candy's, sweets in moderation, no soft drinks (we are a milk and juice only household), etc. 

December came and then we had break, I had surgery, Christmas came and went and then before we knew it school had started back.  One day I was on Pinterest (yes, I am addicted!) and there is a mom that took a picture of her childs lunch everyday.  I was very impressed with all her variety and different healthy, yet convenient options. Here is the link if you would like to be impressed with me.

So I have challenged myself, for this semester, to see how creative and healthy I can make my kids lunches.  Thankfully they love raw veggies, fruits, applesuce, yogart, etc.  I doesn't take much to please them as long as they have something to eat.   I have also learned that if they are hungry- they will eat it! I always felt like I had to send a "back up snack" that I knew they liked in case they didn't like what I sent. When I cleaned out their lunch boxes at night most everything was left EXCEPT the "back up snack"! ( I know, that shouldn't have been a surprise!)  So, I quit sending a "back up" and now they eat everything AND it is HEALTHY!!! I haven't heard any complaints either! YEAH!!!! I just hope that I can keep up the creativeness till May! :)
If you have any creative and healthy lunch ideas please send them my way!

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