Sunday, June 3, 2012

Another year ending and another summer beginning

I take pictures on the first day of school every year and then again on the last day of school every year. The kids aren't always excited about me taking pictures but they know I appreciate it. Here are some pictures from the past 3 years at MCS.  I love looking back at all the pictures and seeing how much they have grown and changed.  The last picture is from their very FIRST day of school.  Makenzie was starting K3 and Wesley was starting K4. WOW... wasn't that just yesterday!?!?!?!
First day of Kindergarten
First day of 1st grade
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! On to 1st and 2nd grade
First day of K4 and Kindergarten
FIRST day of K3 and K4- they were just babies! Now I have a 2nd grader and 1st grader! WOW!!!

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