Saturday, August 27, 2011

Calling all Prayer Warriors!

This past week has been a whirlwind.  It all started a week ago Thursday when Glen came home from Southern California on a midnight flight.  When he finally got home he was complaining of a pain on the left side of his back.  He took a few Tylenol and went on to bed. The next day, Friday, the pain got progressively worse.  By that night, while we were at my parents house across the bay, his pain became unbearable.  We left the kids with my family for the night and I took Glen on home.  My mom and I were determined that his pain was related to a kidney stone since the pain and the movement of the pain was very similar to one.  He did not want to go onto the ER so I took him on home and he (we) tried to get some sleep. By 1:30am he was in so much pain that we headed on to the ER.  Thankfully there was only 1 other person in the ER that night.  They saw Glen immediately and there was no wait! After a CT, the Dr came back to tell us that there was NO kidney stone but he wasn't sure where the pain was coming from. Glen's mom, Sandy, was there and she told the Dr. that his pain he was having then was similar to the pain he had in high school when he had the Shingles.  Well, after several discussions and a few more exams, the Dr. decided to treat Glen for the Shingles.  He was told to contact out regular Dr. on Monday to schedule a follow up from the ER. 
  Monday morning Dr. Webster called and told Glen that he needed to come in on Wednesday to have another scan done on his liver.  Dr. Webster said that he saw a "spot" on the CT from the ER and he didn't want to take any chances and just get another look. 
After a few days of waiting, wondering and praying we finally heard back from the Dr regarding those scans.  The phone call we got was not what we were expecting but honestly we weren't sure what to expect.  The Dr. said that there were several masses or as he called them "tumors" on Glen's liver. Most of the time they are benign and nothing to worry about. But in Glen's mind, anyone that is told that there are "masses or tumors" growing inside you, it is hard NOT to worry about.  He is suppose to go in next week for a follow up and to schedule the next scan.  Hopefully next week we will be able to get more answers. We will be ready with a list long of questions. 
   Even though all of this is hard to wrap our minds around, we know that God is in control of this.  We are trying to look at the positive side of the situation.  If Glen hadn't been hurting so bad last Friday night, then we wouldn't have gone to the ER and he wouldn't have gotten that CT, then the masses on his liver wouldn't have been found.  We are now just asking for guidance and prayer for the next few months as we learn more and try to make the best decisions for Glen and his health. 
Prayer Warriors, keep praying!


Rach said...

We are still in prayer. Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Rach sent me.
Prayers sent and ongoing.