Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day1, 179 more to go...

This week has been crazy busy. It is only Wednesday and we have already had 2 days of In service, Teacher Open House/Orientation, Monday Night For the Master, and the 1st Day of School! The positive side of staying so busy is that I haven't had much time to think about my kiddos going to school.  The year they started at MCS, Makenize was going into K3 and Wesley was going into K4.  They were so young! My Babies!!! Now, Wesley is a BIG 1st grader and my BABY is a kindergartner! This makes me sad for a few reasons. This will be Wesley's last year in my building (the "baby" building). Next year he moves across campus to the "big kids" building (2nd-5th grade). Last night we had orientation with his teacher (whom we LOVE!!!).  We were given a 3 ring binder (Wesley's communications folder) full of information about 1st grade. I know you are thinking "Holly, you work there, you know what goes on in 1st grade!" But I have never had to APPLY it to ME! This year is different! My baby will be studying all subjects, taking tests, and receiving an actual report card.  He is so grown up this year. I look at pictures of him in K4 and wonder where my little boy went.
Now, Makenzie is going into Kindergarten. I don't know if this makes me sad more than Wesley going into 1st grade.  But it seems like every time I catch myself thinking about my BABY going into Kindergarten I start to cry.  Kindergarten is like a right of passage for a child.  A huge step from baby/toddler years into the school years.  Yes, I was sad when Wesley started Kindergarten, but this year it is my baby.  Monday morning we were all eating breakfast and she got up to brush her teeth. I watched her drag her favorite blankie and stuffed animal with her as she trudged to the bathroom. The tears came immediately! It hit me so hard as to how fast she is growing up. I just hadn't stopped to see it. So, with all that being said, this year I am going to STOP more and watch my kids grow up instead of blinking and not knowing what happened.
1st day of First Grade

Wesley with his teacher, Mrs. Gina

Makenzie with her teacher, Mrs. Lisa

1st day of Kindergarten

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